Guild Base
The following Guild Areas will be available to Guild Members:
Potion Station (brew potions that can be used in Fusion World to heal from certain status conditions or replenish HP)
Guild Lab (craft guild items that can be attached to Fusemon for exploration in Fusion World)
Fusemon Squads (setup each Fusemon Squad used for exploration in Fusion World)
Temples Manager (anyone can submit fusemon to the guild controlled temples, but requires approval from guild leader)
Guild Relics (only guild leader can manage relics, everyone else can check active relic bonuses)
Members Area (check the other guild members information, with the guild leader having the power to add/remove members or increase member capacity)
Both Potion Station and Guild Lab can be leveled up by the Guild Leader using the Guild Treasury, providing access to better items and more efficient potions for all guild members.
Peanutbutter Temples
These are a brand new gameplay mechanic added exclusively to Guild Wars, where trainers can do simplified but still challenging battles against the Defenders Fusemon Team set forth by that temple's guild.
Every season a certain # of Peanutbutter temples will be available to be bid upon by guild leaders all over the world, using $FUSION to try and attain the control of that Temple for the following season.
With a max number of temples that each guild can hold control of, this amount can be increased using the Guild Treasury Funds collectively pooled by the guild members.
Each Temple will then be available in the Temples Manager area, where anyone can submit fusemon to defend the guild controlled temples, but requires approval from guild leader in order to be admitted to the defenders team.
There are 4 different Peanutbutter Temple rarities, with each one allowing for a bigger tem of Fusemon to be defending it:
Bronze Temple: 3 Fusemon
Silver Temple: 4 Fusemon
Gold Temple: 5 Fusemon
Diamond Temple: 6 Fusemon
Each trainer defeated worldwide will reward a certain amount of rewards to the respective Fusemon owners of that defenders team. If the team is defeated the challenger trainer will also receive unique rewards crucial to the advancement of their guild ranking.
Season Leaderboard
Each guild has its own unique guild rank that can be increased by sacrificing guild treasury resources, with special rewards being given out to the top guilds at the end of each season.
Last updated