Fusemon NFTs
All of the following NFTs can be sent to your game account in order to earn $Fusion tokens on a daily basis (can be unlocked and taken out of the game at any time)
224 Origin Fusemon x 50 copies = 11.200 Origin Fusemon
(This rarity is exclusive to the first 225 species of Fusemon)
132 Big Bro Fusemon (Origin Rarity)
(These Fusemon cannot be bred, with the total max quantity in existence remaining at 132)
∞ Majestic Fusemon x 25 copies = ∞ Majestic Fusemon
(20 new Majestic Fusemon species released each season for perpetuity)
Royal & Noble Fusemon can be acquired from breeding with Origin/Majestic Fusemon and are lower rarities that provide lower bonuses to Coinz & $FUSION earnings inside the game
Standard Fusemon are only acquired from Standard Eggs that are available in the game's Coinz shop, an entirely Free2Play currency earned through playing the game
Last updated