Increase your collection level to access new World Levels in "Exploration"
Feed different Fusemon Species with specific food (in Kitchen) to increase its rank, each time you increase it you will increase your total collection level.
Fusemon Rank Ups are specific to each rarity and give bonus collection levels:
Origin = #Owned x 4 (Rarity Bonus)
Royal = #Owned x 3 (Rarity Bonus)
Noble = #Owned x 2 (Rarity Bonus)
Standard = #Owned x 1 (Rarity Bonus)
Mastery Rank
(special rank up stages that need to be overcome in order to further increase the rank for that fusemon species)
4 Mastery Ranks (15/40/65/90)
Fusemon Abilities unlock at each rank stage (4 total) and can be applied to each inidivdual fusemon using ability capsules
Reaching max rank 100 grants you a rare candy that you can use to give a prestige star rank to a specific fusemon (increases its exploration rewards and gives a flat power boost to attacks)
Each Mastery Rank Up Stage Requires the following:
Rank 15: Type Badge (gym challenge in Exploration)
Rank 40: Type Badge (gym challenge in Exploration)
Rank 65: Dual Type Badge (2 gym challenge badges + fusion device acquired from bosses in Exploration)
Rank 90: Rainbow Badge (all type gym challenge badges + rainbow device acquired from raids in Exploration)
World Tiers
Total Collection Level will allow you to unlock new World Tiers which improve your exploration capabilites & shops (values can be adjusted before release):
World Tier 1 - Collection Level 0
World Tier 2 - Collection Level 2.500
World Tier 3 - Collection Level 5.000
World Tier 4 - Collection Level 7.500
World Tier 5 - Collection Level 10.000
World Tier 6 - Collection Level 25.000
World Tier 7 - Collection Level 50.000
World Tier 8 - Collection Level 75.000
World Tier 9 - Collection Level 100.000
World Tier 10 - Collection Level 250.000
(New World Tiers will be released with each new season)
Rank Ups of Origin Peanutbutters will give special Peanutbutter medals depending on how many copies you have:
100 Medals: Origin (max supply of 50 Peanutbutters)
10 Medals: Royal (only earned from leaderboards & events)
1 Medal: Noble (only earned from leaderboards & events)
Exchange 1000 Medals for a Peanutbutter statue that gives a 1% increase in Coinz earnings everywhere
(Peanutbutter ranks can be reset using ultra rare items called divine candies)
Last updated